May 2022 Minutes Open Meeting


Parish Rooms, Hall Street, Crowland, Peterborough PE6 0EW

Tel: 01733 210653 | Email:

Acting Clerk/Office Supervisor: Tina Croxford


Open Meeting 26th May 2022 7pm.  Pavilion


Present: P Green, B Alcock, G Searle, C Elphee, R Boot, A Williams, and J Boor.


In the Chair:                D Kempton  

Assistance Clerk:        T Croxford

Also present              15 members of the public


D Kempton welcomed and thanked everybody for attending and introduced the Parish Council members, staff and volunteer partners present


Apologies for Absence – M Atkinson, W Glenton, D Ringham and L Quince.

  1. Chairman's introduction. 

David Kempton – introduction (as above) There are three tiers of local government and their responsibilities:  LCC, SHDC, CPC

What the CPC do and look after/responsible for:

  • Public open spaces, inc. some subcontracted maintenance
  • Playing and recreation fields and equipment
  • Community buildings; pavilion, youth building, parish rooms, indoor sports
  • Allotments
  • Bus shelters, town centre furniture, waste bins, seats etc
  • Clocks (Abbey)
  • War memorial
  • Statutory consultee on town planning
  • Cemetery (future)
  • Investments (housing, financial, other projects)

What CPC are not responsible for:

  • Roads and Footpaths     
  • Parking, Street Lighting, Market
  • Domestic and Commercial Waste Collection
  • Affordable Housing schemes, Public Transport, Schools, Citizens Advice
  • Town Planning decisions and Building Control

CPC can help point in the right direction but have no authority with. 


How we do it:

12 elected councillors; no financial reward or favours

Councillors decide strategy, appoint staff, determine budgets, oversee finance control – not a business, do not make a profit but cannot make a loss and CPC are not a charity.

Portfolio Holders, within a committee structure: manage own budgets, develop and propose more detailed actions to deliver overall strategy guide day to day priorities for relevant staff.

Staff:- two full time and 4 part time, enact the instructions of the Council.

The Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer is the “CEO” and responsible for all staff and financial controls.

Question – policing – no authority but do report regularly. – set up a met and great sessions again.


  1. Briefing and Q&A on the Council’s investments in housing, and aspirations for industrial land and cemetery.  Bryan Alcock

Limited sources of income – rent income – precept rates – revenue gradually under strain, so an Asset Working Party was set up with consultations/opinions – only one feasible possibility, land that could be developed (old Allotments area) Allotments were moved and there is planning in that area only for allotments, cemetery and industrial units.

CPC – strongly objected to development at Crease Drove/buffing zone but can only comment – cannot control planning.

106 monies for infrastructure, development of health and education are held by District Council and is divided out – Crowland are only part of the district and CPC have to lobby for any money.  CPC do not have any input or know the amount of money they will get, if successful in application/lobby.

  – more communication/information is needed as to what CPC are doing – more in Crowland Mag 


  1. Briefing and Q&A on Council’s strategies for recreation and community facilities.

Graham Searle – Future – Youth Club possibility of starting up again, multi-use game area, outdoor gym area, repairing and replacing equipment.

  • Quotations are coming in for new surface & fencing for tennis courts but waiting funds, if agreed LCC.
  • Outdoor gym area and equipment being looked into.
  • Looking into new two storey pavilion (multipurpose with large hall area)
  • Possibility of 3G in tennis courts area. 

Dog bins – some have been relocated - 18 around the Snowden, Crowland have a lot more bins than others areas, a survey with Deeping St James = 18 Crowland = 55.


  1. Briefing and Q&A on Council’s support for the Town Centre

Philip Green- Jubilee celebrations – lighting of the beacon and Sunday big lunch.

Hedge, Reform St, Planners/Highways and developers – legal dispute so CPC cannot do anything – trying to resolve but birds are nesting at the moment.

Parking - is not good, and more location signage is needed. More parking areas being looked into.  

Planning meeting every month – purely advisory/comments - if you have a problem with planning add to planning comments on SHDC planning site.   

Hedges/Bushes etc (highways) are LCC responsibility, otherwise owner/residents responsibility.

Parking restrictions from SHDC are being put into place around the school. This will need enforcing but there quite a few other parking offences taking place in Crowland

Good feedback given re travellers on site.  More barriers/ sustainable fencing is being looked into to be put up around the Snowden.


  1. Briefing and Q&A on the Council’s actions to enhance Safety and Security, and combat ASB. Graham Searle

Risk assessments have been carried out and being actioning.

Fly tipping 3 x a week on average CPC do report it to SHDC, if you see any please report to SHDC


Policing, contact with police and PCSO weekly, reported crime is going down – please report all crimes to 101, as Facebook/Chatter just encourages youngsters – easiest way to report is online as you do not wait in a queue. 

Request for skips to be available again in Crowland – LCC withdrew this service

Looking to start police surgery up again but not many people attended so if it is successful in starting up again it will need to be supported.


  1. Open discussion about green space, and environmental concerns.

Council Chairs

Allotments – allotment holders gave feedback of criticism of CPC – lack of enforcement re terms and conditions, some allotments holders are breaking these, re-enforcement should happen, CPC had an inspection/walkaround and letters were sent. CPC has a responsibility to enforce agreements T&C. Also requested that before an allotment is rented the reason for having an allotment must be asked – to make sure they are fully committed – no weeds, no structures/sheds/pallets/wood/timber/carpet, reported as now looking like a shanty town.


  1. Any other Q&A

All –

Barrier in car park – Snowden, the yellow Keep Clear signs need repainting.

Disabled Parking at Doctors Surgery – CPC had asked, Surgery are actioning.


Another meeting was requested for in 6 months’ time.


DK Thanked everyone for attending – meeting finished 9.20pm