March 2022 Minutes
Minutes of a meeting of Crowland Parish Council
Held on Monday 7th March 2022 at 7:00pm
in the Crowland Community Hub
Present: Bryan Alcock, David Kempton, Philip Green, Graham Searle, Jon Boor,
Cathi Elphee and Annette Williams
Clerk: Angela Harrison
In the Chair: David Kempton
1) 182. Apologies for Absence
Michael Atkinson, Lee Quince, David Ringham and Wayne Glenton
District Cllr Jim Astill
District & County Cllr Nigel Pepper
2) 183. Declaration of Interests as per the LGA 2000
Graham Searle: Crowland Cares & SH Voluntary Car Scheme, plus one item in Payments
Jon Boor: Land
David Kempton: A payment on the list for approval
3) 184. To Agree as a correct Record the Minutes of the Previous Meetings
It was agreed that the Chairman sign the Minutes as a true record of the previous meeting.
The Clerk stated that she had received an email from the Headmistress of the Primary school, as follows: -
“Could I ask for some clarification on the wording in a specific section please?
- “Site manager employed by the school is a useful addition to the team, as a go-between from the school and the contractor.”
The School site manager is solely an employee of the school, and I feel this is somewhat misleading to local people reading these minutes. It implies that he is employed by the Parish Council or that he is an employee of the Wellbeing Centre. I have at no point agreed to my Site Manager being an additional member to any ‘team’.
Please could I ask that the rewording or removal of this is considered at the next Parish Council meeting.”
As the January Minutes have been signed by the Chairman as a true record, the Parish Council are unable to amend them; however, it was agreed that the following wording be published within these Minutes: -
- The Site Manager for the school has been useful to the contractors, and the Chairman apologises for the previous unfortunate wording that may be misinterpreted.
4) 185. Matters Arising from the previous minutes
Item 5) 170. Chairman’s Report
The Chairman suggested a working party be held on Monday the 21st of March to discuss Committee Membership, ahead of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.Action: Clerk/DK
The Clerk confirmed that she had replied to the parishioner’s email regarding the removal of the Ash tree and the Silver Birch trees.
Item7) 172. Finance and Admin Committee
Clerk awaiting 3 Red Book valuations for the new chalet bungalows. (Longstaff, Savills & Land Agent)
Action: Clerk
Item 11) 176. Leisure & Wellbeing Centre
Legally binding document between the PC and the L&WB Centre; DK and WG still to action.
Action: DK & WG
Item 15) 180. Councillor Vacancies
Notice for vacancies to go onto Notice Boards.
Action: Clerk & GS
5) 186. Chairman’s Report - to receive the Chairman’s report
A Copy of the report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
6) 187. Amenities Committee - to receive the Minutes of the recent meeting.
A copy of the report had been circulated a few days prior to the meeting.
GS voiced his frustration with regards to the delay in the Play Equipment Inspections.
- He stated that he had sent photos and a completed application form on the 7th of November and 4 months later we are still awaiting a date.
Fire Risk Assessments
GS stated that everything had been done apart from the doors.
- JB asked about the door for the Implement Shed
- GS replied that there was a need to prioritize fire risk issues as identified.
A discussion was had regarding the emergency exits in the pavilion; in particular, the fire escape route, which requires further investigation.
- GS will make a list to work on.
Action: GS
Regarding work needed in the Pavilion, it was stated that LQ will go on his own to evaluate.
Action: LQ
Regarding the Parish Rooms, PG stated that he had gained a quote for 5 panel heaters which come with a 10-year warranty. If any fail within the first 4 years, they would be replaced with brand new ones, along with a new 10-year warranty.
- These heaters would come with wi-fi hubs and can be remotely turned on 30 minutes prior to a meeting.
- It was noted that these would not address the issue of ventilation but agreed to discuss the costs ‘in Committee’.
7) 188. Finance and Admin Committee - to receive the Chairman’s report.
A copy of the report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
BA added that all S106 contributions have now been received, apart from those linked to Barbers Drove North, which will be due once work commences.
DK asked about land rent increases, which are linked to the price of wheat.
- JB said he would speak with the PC’s land agent with regards to a rent review.
There will be increases in the minimum wage and National Insurance contributions, which will need to be discussed ‘in Committee’.
- Bank statements are no longer being sent out weekly, which is causing problems for the RFO, so BA is in the process of setting up the facility to view and print online bank statements. This is proving to be a long and laborious process, but we’re on the last hurdle, which is to send a letter to the bank with 3 signatures.
8) 189. Farms & Gardens Committee - to receive the Minutes of the recent meeting.
A copy of the Minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting.
- Kissing Ground hedge is now complete
- Yellow Stocking stopping off is back on track.
- The incorrect paperwork had been sent to the office, which is why it hadn’t been signed off
- Once the correct paperwork is received, it will need to be signed by the Clerk and the Chairman and taken to the Solicitor’s office along with proof of ID.Action: DK & Clerk
- Regarding the Glebe and Kissing Ground lease, our land agent has advised that we pay the outstanding back rent, and the old lease will roll on.
- The clause regarding ‘responsibility for walls and trees’ was raised and discussed.
It was resolved that the Parish Council pay the back rent once a response has been received from Savills as to how much back rent we owe.
- There has been a request from a tenant that the PC contribute 50% of the cost to install drains.
- JB to get an up-to-date quote
A discussion was had around how to utilize the discretionary spend, circa £20K
It was suggested that the Finance Committee be reconfigured to incorporate all Committee Chairs, (like HR Committee), then rubber stamp the decision at full council.
Action: DK/BA
9) 190. Planning Committee - to receive the Minutes of the recent meeting.
A copy of the Minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting.
PG mentioned that application H02-0111-22 had additional comments added regarding the road surface which needs to be made good by LCC.
Item 7
Had a constructive meeting recently, where a Battle of Britain fly past has been arranged in collaboration with Moulton Chapel PC and a Funfair has been booked for North Street.
- Need to purchase some bunting.
- PG will book entertainment.
- Circa £2K for music.
- Toilets, (portaloos), being booked, but no disabled ones available.
- Might be possible to use disabled toilet in TOPS – PG will speak to them
Item 9
Hedge along Reform Street is in the hands of solicitors.
- Needs to be put back to as it was when the primary school occupied the site.
- Road for the new estate is not due to be adopted, so could be down to a management company to maintain the hedge in the future.
- Quotes for new Notice Boards will be available for the next Planning meeting.
10) 191. Safety & Security - to receive the Chairman’s report.
A copy of the report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
Police stats not updated since December 2021. Since then: -
1. Off-road motorcycle riding around Crowland with no helmet, lights or numberplates.
2. GS spent and afternoon with an officer from SHDC regarding fly-tipping, looking for evidence to trace ownership.
There has also been a recent report from the Church regarding antisocial behaviour in the ruined nave.
1940s weekend
CE declared a non-pecuniary interest.
A meeting was held last week with representatives of the ‘40s organizing committee, to which there was an expectation that the PC should insure the event.
- The PC believe that it will be a fantastic event, but too high a risk for the PC’s insurance.
- A risk assessment is being carried out.
- PG added that the Re-enactment have always insured their own events.
The PC will require a copy of the risk assessment and insurance for the event to take place on the Snowden.
- Security and marshalling will also need to be provided by the hirers.
It was stated that the event will require the use of the Pavilion, car parks, toilets, etc.
- 20 portaloos have been booked by the hirers.
- Tea room will be set up in the Pavilion
It was suggested that the PC could help by donating the hire of all or some of the facilities.
A full and frank discussion was had, with many questions raised, following which:
- GS proposed that the Parish Council invoice the group for full charges, however, if the event is not a financial success, which can be proved be documented evidence, the Parish Council may consider making a donation. The usual £250 surety bond will still be payable.
PG Seconded
A vote was taken by show of hands, with
5 for
1 against (JB)
1 abstention (CE had declared a non-pecuniary interest)
It was therefore resolved to go with the proposal made by GS.
11) 192. Leisure and Wellbeing Centre – to receive the team’s report.
There was no report submitted for this meeting.
12) 193. Assets Working Party - to receive the team’s report.
A copy of the report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
The non-material amendment planning application submitted by the developers, has been refused by SHDC.
- The recycling and refuse collection issues have been resolved.
- Blinds are in progress.
- 7 properties have been let, with 1 that the PC has not accepted ownership of due to the unresolved planning issues.
It was suggested that notice be given to the builder for compensation of loss of rental income.
Action: AWP
13) 194. Accounts for Payment – see separate sheet.
It was stated that the L&WB Centre now have circa 100 members signed up already.
- The PC would like to see a copy of their up-to-date accounts.
Action: Clerk & WG
A schedule of payments to JBA Construction was requested, due to there being 3 of their invoices in the list of payments.
Action: RFO
It was agreed that the next SV school invoice of cross charges be paid by the PC, then subsequent invoices be paid and re-invoiced to the L&WB Centre.
Action: RFO
Proposed: P Green
Seconded: J Boor
All agreed - (DK abstained due to his declared interest in this item)
It was resolved to approve the payments.
14) 195. Road Safety Issues – A16
BA suggested that the PC lobby to have part dual carriageway and a roundabout at radar junction.
- Request a current traffic count from LCC, from Spalding to Crowland section.
Action: Clerk
15) 196. Correspondence
Action: Clerk
A request had been emailed in from a local resident on behalf of Peterborough Reads, who would like to hide books around the town.
The PC were in support of this and asked if it could perhaps be called ‘Crowland Reads’.
- Clerk to respond to resident.
Action: Clerk
16) 197. Councillor Vacancies
It was agreed to invite the 2 current applicants in for an interview.
Action: Clerk
17) 198. Matters to be considered for inclusion on a future Council Agenda
CE – Old Standards and Union flag are in the Abbey - storage in the St John’s Room.
JB – Old Abbey clock
- Bouquets of flowers for residents who reach the age of 100 yrs. – Elizabeth Wright, Abbeygate, will be 100 on the 23rd of March.
Action: Office
Meeting ended at 9:45pm