June 2024 Minutes Planning Cttee

Minutes of a Planning & Place Committee Meeting

Monday 10 June 2024 at 7pm in the Parish Rooms, Hall Street, Crowland


Cllr. Annette Williams (in the Chair) 

Cllrs. David Kempton, Bryan Alcock, Jon Boor, Peter Davis, Katie Pepper & Cathi Elphee. 

In attendance: T Croxford – Clerk (minute taker) 

1.   Apologies for Absence - none 

2.   Elect a vice chairman – Interest declared Cathi Elphee Prop DK Seconded AW all agreed 

3.   Declarations of Interests  -   Cllr. AW H02-468-24

4.   To agree as a correct Record of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes for the last meeting were adopted as a correct record.

Proposed by Cllr. CA - Seconded by Cllr.  JB - all present agreed.

5.   Planning Applications 

H02-0476-24 - reference is  OWPC44460

2 West Bank Crowland Peterborough PE6 0HP – Condition Compliance

Details of external gas/electricity boxes and foul & surface water disposal. (Conditions 3 and 4 of H02-0749-19)

Comments: No objections and leave to the expertise of the planning department.

H02-0468-24 - reference is  OWPC Approved


Two-storey side extension to dwelling and new vehicular access - Approved under H02-0251-14 - Amendments to remove balcony section & skylight, addition of bi-fold doors to front & rear & internal alterations

Comments: No objections

H02-0451-24 - reference is  OWPC44461

4 Barbers Drove North Crowland Peterborough PE6 0BE

Single storey rear extension

Comments: No objections

6.   Planning Notifications/Decisions

New Garage/Outbuilding23-04-24FULL Approved

Works to Trees in Crowland Conservation Area17-04-24Tree Works in CON Approved

7.   EN101069 – Meridian Solar Farm

This matter was discussed in depth with documents and information etc.  BA had produced a sheet with information which was circulated and discussed, it was agreed that it is disappointing that grade 2 land, capable of producing food is being used but it was agreed to review the information and put it together before returning our comments.  – DK/TC

Thanks were given to BA for his research and producing the information. 

8.   Cabinet and pole locations (City Fibre)

The proposed locations were discussed along with documents and photos.  

Locations showing concern are listed below and an email is to be sent asking for consideration to be taken into consideration as CPC do now own the land or have authority.

We request you review the below locations:-

On the corner of Reform Street and Broadway, this is a very narrow pathway and close to a corner, if it does have to go in this location can you please ensure it is located as far back and in the widest part of the path.  

Cloot Drove the cabinet – can this please be located further back – closer to the fence?

Pole on the corner of South St (34) this again is a very narrow path and on the corner, we believe this could cause problems with wheelchairs/prams etc as this is also a main pathway to the Doctors. 

Cabinet 55 South St this is beside a memorial – does it need to be so close can it not go on the outside area of the green. 

Cabinet 27 East Street – this is directly opposite the entrance to the Abbey can this please be re-located if possible? 

St Guthlac's Close - pole move back further as this may restrict vehicle views. 

9.   Event - 8 May 2025 – the 80 Anniversary of VE Day

D-Day (6.06.24) was discussed and all agreed it was a success.  Letters of thanks are to be sent to Peter, Jane, Michael (music) R Snow for the Bells and Strickland Brothers for all their hard work contributing to this event.
VE Day Thursday 8 May 2025 – at present this is not planned as being a national bank holiday.

This is going to be a celebration event and the Bruno Peek programme is online for everyone to follow.

Are the council prepared to contribute to this. Will need to be added to next years budget if agreed. 

Lighting of the beacons will take place on Thursday 8th May 2025 and ideas for this to follow.

Suggested that a working party to be set up – AW/CE/KP and invite other local people/organisations to join.

The fair has already been booked for this event.

Various items need to be looked at and booked asap such as bands, Portaloos, marquee 

Commemorative seat to be looked into and location to be agreed. A suggestion was to look at replacing the two under the bridge.

Flags were discussed and it was suggested that two new ones need to be purchased – a larger one is needed for the flag pole at the Snowden. 

Other items discussed and suggested will be discussed further by the working party i.e.  Party in the Park, Health & Safety, outside bar, marshalls etc.

10.   Any other matters to be included on a future agenda

West Street Bus Shelter 
Street Walk Around – suggestion for the next planning meeting 6.30pm 8 July starting at the office. 
Town Trail 
Abbey Clock – other quotations are needed and the possibility of a cabinet/encasing to be made and putting the clog mechanism inside the Abbey.
Pharmacy – new roof tiles should be fitted – planning regulations by 30 June 2024. 

The meeting ended at 8.55 pm