June 2024 Minutes (EOM)
Crowland Parish Council
Minutes of Extra Ordinary Full Parish Council Meeting
Monday 24 June 2024 at 7pm in Crowland Community Hub, Hall Street, Crowland
Present: Cllrs. Bryan Alcock, David Kempton, Cathi Elphee, Reg Boot, Jon Boor, Peter Davis, Graham Searle, Darren Warner
Also in attendance: Tracey Kingston (RFO & minute taker)
Absent: Cllrs. Jay Levesley, Katie Pepper, Rodney Sadd & Annette Williams
In the Chair: Cllr. Bryan Alcock thanked everyone for attending.
39) Apologies for Absence of the meeting was advised and apologies with valid reasons for absence had been received from Cllrs. Jay Levesley, Katie Pepper, Rodney Sadd & Annette Williams. It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: those apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence accepted from Cllrs. Jay Levesley, Katie Pepper, Rodney Sadd & Annette Williams
40) Declaration of Interests - as per the LGA 2000 – None
41) To receive, consider and approve cash book, income and expenditure 2023-24 statements and asset register for publication.
Reports were tabled and RFO confirmed these were the same reports that Councillors reviewed and agreed at year end, prior to the internal audit
Proposed by Cllr JB and seconded by Cllr PD All agreed
42) To receive the Annual Internal Audit Report and approve publication.
A report was distributed prior to the meeting. The findings were discussed and it was confirmed that the Clerk and the RFO have been working on the points raised and some have already been completed. The clerk also has a detailed schedule of policies to be reviewed and presented to Full Council over the coming months. A documented response to the audit findings has been produced.
Proposed by Cllr PD and seconded by Cllr CE All agreed
43) To receive, consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2023-24 and for the Chair and Clerk to sign.
The Annual Governance statement was discussed in detail with Councillors reviewing each statement and reaching agreement for the response. The risk statement was discussed in more detail and it was confirmed that the finance committee had documented the finance risks in November 23 and had been maintaining that risk register since. Councillors were satisfied that items are being dealt with promptly and whilst it was finely balanced, were happy to mark this statement yes. The report will be updated and then signed by Chair and Clerk (TK, BA, TC)
Proposed by Cllr JB and seconded by Cllr RB All agreed
44) To receive, consider and approve the bank reconciliation, variance analysis and the Annual Accounting Statement 2023-24 and for the Chair and RFO to sign
A report was distributed prior to the meeting. The RFO went through the restated items from the prior year explaining how these had arisen and confirmed how the entries tied back to the reports provided earlier in the meeting. The RFO then discussed the variances report and the entries that have resulted in a variance of 21.58%. The report will be updated to reflect the drainage ccosts were Council and the Kubota was the Corvus. (Action TK)
Proposed by Cllr JB and seconded by Cllr MA All agreed
45) To approve the dates of electors rights to be exercised Monday 1 July – Friday 10 August 2024
A draft of the notice to electors had been presented prior to the meeting and the dates of the exercise agreed. The RFO confirmed she would be handling any requests from electors to view the information
Proposed by Cllr PD and seconded by Cllr BA All agreed
46) To approve the publication of documents on the parish council’s website to meet obligations specified in the Council’s Publication Scheme, transparency Code and Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.
The RFO advised which documents are required to be published on the website to ensure transparency rules were adhered to. It was also agreed that the Councils response to the internal audit would be published on the website. The AGAR and public notice will also be displayed on the two council noticeboards in the town.
Proposed by Cllr BA and seconded by Cllr PD All agreed
“Closed Session”
To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following: -
47) Support to the Asset Working Party.
A agreement was made about professional support that the AWP will require for future projects.