November 2024 Minutes

Monday 4 November 2024 at 7pm in Crowland Community Hub, Hall Street, Crowland

Present:      Cllrs. Bryan Alcock, David Kempton, Cathi Elphee, Reg Boot, Jon Boor, Peter Davis, Jordon Boom (19.08), Katie Pepper (19.10).
Also in attendance: G Hawkes Clerk (minute taker).

In the Chair: Cllr. Bryan Alcock thanked everyone for attending.

132    Apologies for Absence Councillors Jay Levesley, Jack Turner, Darren Warner & Annette Williams

133    Declaration of Interests – none.

134    To approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting – 7 October 2024 
Agreed subject to the following corrections: 
1)    Ref113 Interest re land rent JB pecuniary left meeting, BA non-pecuniary remained but did not vote.
2)    Ref126 £100 contribution subject to a letter of agreement being received.
3)    Ref115 Tennis court reference should be under the Amenities committee.
Proposed by Cllr Davis- Seconded by Cllr Boot - all present agreed.




135    To receive an update on progress & resolutions for the meeting held on 7 October 2024. 


Full council minutes

  1. The Snowden Field car park pothole has been repaired by our staff.
  2. The Clerk has accepted the Firework display booking.
  3. The floodlights on the pavilion and our staff compound have been repaired/fixed.
  4. BT overpayments credited back and old contract cancelled.
  5. Oakwood Forest – work completed.
  6. Email sent to Police inviting them to attend, Crowlands PCSO off until 2025.
  7. Flags have been purchased for VE day and Remembrance Sunday (reprinted sheets in the office), car parking sheets with GS.



      1) Clerk to contact Margaret Beardshaw to discuss Abbey clock.

      2) SHDC have agreed to our request to renovate the bus shelters.

      3) City Fibre have been instructed to replace the footpath to the Post box.



  1. Hanging Baskets and confirmation slip has been printed and distributed.
  2. Allotment shed back up battery has been installed.



  1. Compound tree removal – deferred until position clarified with CTFC.
  2. Playground – confirmed quote back to contractor to complete zip wire service await date for work to be done.
  3. Meridian Solar - members agreed for a meeting to be arranged with three Councillors and the Clerk
  4. Six Acre lighting has been completed.
  5. Tennis Courts – obtaining further quotations to establish the way forward, need to progress as Section 106 monies time limited.



136    Chairman’s Report.



The Chairman thanked Councillors Boor and Davis, the Clerk and Deputy Clerk for their work ensuring that the firework display went ahead.


The new staffing arrangements are settling in and I am pleased to say there are tangible benefits being seen – the Clerk will be presiding over future monthly staff meetings.

We were sad to learn that Cllr Michael Atkinson had been admitted to hospital – a letter has been sent wishing him well from the Council.


The Clerk and Councillor Jon Boor attended the Drainage Boards open day, he will report on this later on the agenda. I just have to point out that all householders pay for the drainage boards activities as well as farmers. Historically each house was billed and paid the Drainage Boards directly. Following some interesting government intervention cost has been part of the District Council's share of the rates for some considerable time, an arrangement which is soaking up more and more of District finance. Extensive lobbying of Whitehall by a group of around 30. authorities, led by South Holland, is seeking to remedy that situation, The group has had some financial success over the last two years but             is continuing to lobby for a long-term solution.


Some of the paved areas around the Bungalow investment need attention due to becoming unlevel. Three quotes have been obtained and the work should be-undertaken shortly.


The Christmas Lights Committee are calling out for helpers to assist-marshalling both in the afternoon     prior to the event to ensure stall holders can set up and during the event in the evening. If you are    able, please volunteer or arrange for a friend or colleague to do so. It is a fun afternoon and evening usually enjoyed by a good crowd and the small committee who organise this event each year need outside assistance on the day.


Armistice Day is fast approaching. As there are fewer members of British Legion it places a greater emphasis on the Parish Council to help keep this event alive. As Councillors, we should set an example by attending. Please try to do so.



137    Amenities Committee.



To consider the Chairmans report and any recommendations therein. A report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. The bowls clubhouse is now in the correct position with the assistance of Crowland Cranes.


The Charman and the Clerk inspected the compound and revealed that the senior football teams new goalposts are too big for the area. Meantime the tree removal will be delayed until the position has been clarified with the club.


An initial meeting of the working party for the new pavilion was convened and we will receive some concept drawings for consideration before contacting Sport England for their views.



138    Finance and Admin Committee



To consider the Chairmans report and any recommendations therein. A report was distributed prior to the meeting.

The RFO is continuing to prepare the draft budgets for 2025-2026 which is showing it will be a challenging year.


We need to increase the number of authorised signatories and packs were given out to Councillors Pepper, Davis, Boot, Elphee and Boor for completion and return to the RFO.









139    Accounts for Payment.



A report was distributed prior to the meeting.

To note bank balances and investments at 29th October 2024

Account ending 338       £ 453,072.74

Account ending 461       £     9,014.74

Petty cash                      £          29.10


It was proposed, seconded and resolved,

  1. Orders for payment made in the sums of £ 16586.03
  2. Incomes received in the amounts of £ 33,257.81 in October 2024 be noted.

Proposed by Cllr Boot – Seconded by Cllr Davis and all agreed.











140    Farms & Gardens Committee



To consider the Chairmans report and any recommendations therein.  A report was distributed prior to the meeting.

Reform Street hedge – has been cut but needs more work before we take over maintenance, we need to chase the contractor.

The hedge plants for the cemetery boundary are due and will be planted this month.


The Chairman and Clerk attended an open day and the North Level district internal drainage board for which a letter of thanks was sent.









To consider the minutes of the recent meeting and any recommendations therein.

A report was distributed prior to the meeting, matters for discussion are included separately on the agenda.

Two planning items need adding to the next Planning meeting agenda,

  1. The Fen Reservoir project, whilst not in our area there should be consideration for leisure use.
  2. Footpath diversion – Wheats Farm.

Proposed by Cllr Boor – Seconded by Cllr Elphee and all agreed.


County Cllr Pepper has sent in a photograph of an overflowing dog bin in Crease Drove. This is believed to have been installed by the management company of the housing development – the Clerk will clarify.













142     Safety & Security Committee



The latest figures had been circulated prior to the meeting. The deputy Clerk has written to request that a representative of the Police attend a future meeting so the council can better understand the figures.



143  Assets Working Party.



To consider the Chair's report and any recommendations therein.

Our Solicitors have again looked at the Deed of Easement relating to the attenuation pond and are not happy with some of the clauses so it has not been signed and is back with the developers Solicitors. Ashwoods have not offered any payment for work already completed by the Council.

Planning applications for both the industrial land and the cemetery are due to be submitted soon.



144  Fireworks Feedback



Following significant input from our staff and Cllr Boor the event went ahead as planned and was successful on the night. The Clerk will send a letter of thanks to the organisers. If the event is repeated in 2025 we need to ensure the booking to hire the field is received in good time to allow our requirements relating to Insurance and risk management can be agreed upon earlier.





145 Christmas Tree Lights



The tree has been donated and will be erected on 29th November. The Xmas lights have been PAT tested and will be put up by Mr Strickland and our staff. Cllr Elphee is organising the best shop window and best decorated house competitions.





146  Matters to be considered for inclusion on a future Council Agenda.



Emergency planning – Cllr Boot has done some work on this. The Clerk has spoken to Sue Whitton the Emergency Planning manager at LCC who will be invited to a future meeting to further discuss.