October 2024 Minutes
Monday 7 October 2024 at 7pm in Crowland Community Hub, Hall Street, Crowland
Present: Cllrs. Bryan Alcock, David Kempton, Cathi Elphee, Reg Boot, Jon Boor, Peter Davis, Jack Turner, Jordon Boom & Annette Williams.
Also in attendance: Grahem Searle and G Hawkes Clerk (minute taker).
In the Chair: Cllr. Bryan Alcock thanked everyone for attending.
112) Apologies for Absence Councillors Katie Pepper, Jay Levesley, Michael Atkinson, Darren Warner and District Councillor J Astill.
113) Declaration of Interests – Land Rent JB pecuniary left meeting, BA non-pecuniary remained but did not vote.
114) To approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting – 2 September 2024
Agreed subject to corrections:- minute ref 97 ownership of the footpath is not the parish council but this has now been cleared. Minute ref 102 should read Corvus not Kubota vehicle. Minute ref 103 West St bus stop should read go on next Planning Committee agenda not Full Council.
Proposed by Cllr Davis - Seconded by Cllr Williams - all present agreed.
115) To receive an update on progress & resolutions for the meeting held on 2 September 2024.
Full Council minutes –
1) A letter, with copy to Lincolnshire Police, has been sent to the school.
2) Door closure at the office has been actioned.
3) Meeting venue – virus filters are being researched by the Clerk.
4) Alderlands Close hedge – the Clerk has reviewed, the hedge is high on one side but actually acts to slow the traffic approaching from the right of the junction.
5) Rubbish bins – SHDC have repaired theirs. Our staff will attend to the rest now we are coming into the Winter season.
6) Xmas tree lights PAT test organised for 07/10/2024.
7) Hanging Baskets information and proposal for £35 each next year. – needs to be approved and confirmation sent to Philip for printing.
8) Allotment shed back up battery has been purchased JB to chase installation.
9) Security post replacement has been installed.
10) Compound tree removal – await response from mens football team about their contribution.
11) Playground – confirmed quote back to contractor to complete zip wire service await date for work to be done.
12) Meridian Solar Farm proposal - chasing for a further meeting.
13) Tennis Courts – obtaining further quotations to establish the way forward, need to progress as Section 106 monies time limited.
116) Chairman’s Report.
At the time of the meeting the Senior Clerk will have been with us a month and will have a better understanding of how the Council works and how we can move forward.
I was sad to learn of the sudden passing of Pete Langford who worked at LALC and assisted us with maintaining our Council website.
The vehicles causing problems due to being parked on the amenity area in Beccelm Drive
have been moved off through working with SHDC. The area will periodically be inspected in
the hope the problem will not return.
The high hedge in Reform Street is scheduled for cutting back necessitating the road being
restricted or closed. It is not clear at the moment whether the builder responsible for leaving
it in no man’s land or LCC are actually going to do the work. The council will need to be
certain whether its offer to maintain it in the future is the only way it will be maintained.
Remembrance Day is fast approaching and I ask that Members do their level best to attend
both the Cenotaph Service and the service in the Abbey, presuming there will be one. There
is generally also a good turnout for the two-minute silence at the war memorial at 11 on the
11th and it would be great for those who can make it do so, please. As Councillors, we should try to attend this sort of event.
117) Amenities Committee.
To consider the Chairmans report and any recommendations therein. A report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. Since the annual play equipment inspection, we have suffered a structural failure of the basket swing support in the adventure play area. No-one suffered harm, but fixing it will require the purchase of some new parts.
On the proposition of Cllr Davis, seconded by Cllr Boom this was agreed by all.
The Bowls Club are getting their new clubhouse this month, and have done work on our welfare unit that we have loaned them. Further work has been identified to bring it up to an expected standard, and the Club are requesting we consider a financial contribution, as owner of the unit. The Club have incurred costs so far of £3,000 and have about £1,950 to spend.
On the proposition of Cllr Boor, seconded by Cllr Davis the sum of £1,000 was proposed and this was agreed by all.
The Committee backed a proposal to form a working party to progress the new Community
Pavilion project. This would include non-council people, and Council is requested to approve
this move. The working party of Cllrs Alcock, Kempton and Boot, (Cllrs Turner, Williams and Davis when required), and Graham Searle proposed as a non Councillor addition to the working party. proposed by Cllr Kempton seconded by Cllr Boor and agreed by all.
Resurfacing of the Snowden car park has been in our plans for several years, and
before this year end we need to decide whether to include it in our 2025-26 budget. Meanwhile, a significant pothole has appeared that needs urgent temporary work, the Clerk via Cllr Boor will obtain a quote for the work.
The Scout hut floodlights need to be inspected and LED light installed where necessary, JC will be instructed by the Clerk to provide a quote for the work to be done.
Proposed by Cllr Williams seconded by Cllr Turner and agreed by all.
118) Finance and Admin Committee
To consider the Chairmans report and any recommendations therein.
A report was distributed prior to the meeting.
A meeting was held on 19th September, we will need to address the issues raised by both the external and internal auditors in their respective reports, members agreed to delay the Internal Audit report so that these concerns can be addressed.
Once the installation of full fibre into the Town has settled down, we need to review making use of this facility into the Council office.
119) Accounts for Payment.
A report was distributed prior to the meeting.
To note bank balances and investments at 30th September 2024,
Account ending 338 £ 425,320
Account ending 461 £ 7,349
Petty cash £ 49
It was proposed, seconded and resolved,
(a) Orders for payment made in the sums of £34,254.62 in September 2024 be authorised. Noting that within the payments there appears to be a duplicate amount payable to BT, which the RFO will need to review.
(b) Incomes received in the amounts of £10318.63 in September 2024 be noted.
Proposed by Cllr Williams – Seconded by Cllr Boor and all agreed.
120) Farms & Gardens Committee
To consider the Chairmans report and any recommendations therein. A report was distributed prior to the meeting.
Allotments - members agreed that to improve take that a flyer go out in the Town magazine in February (diary note to be made), write a welcome letter to new residents from the electoral role offering the availability of allotments offering a 50% rent reduction in the first year. Jason Church has reported that the electrical supply point be moved into the building and the Clerk will speak to the National Grid.
Oakwood Forest – members agreed for the Clerk to instruct Aveland Trees Ltd to undertake the thinning of the trees and Cllr Boor will liaise with the Forest School.
Snowdon field – there is some weed growth evident and a treatment will be required in the
spring (Diary note for March to obtain quotations).
Tree removal in Council compound – a late revised proposal has been received by the senior football club which need to be discussed at the next sub committee meeting.
Cllr Boot reported that the hedge needs to be cut back by LCC Highways, Cloot Drove.
121) Planning Committee
To consider the minutes of the recent meeting and any recommendations therein.
A report was distributed prior to the meeting, matters for discussion are included separately on the agenda
122) Safety & Security Committee
Cllr Kempson confirmed that the latest monthly crime figures had been received and confirm recent trends seen. In order to better understand the figures it was suggested that the Police be invited to a future meeting.
Proposed by Cllr Davis seconded by Cllr Kempson and agreed by all.
Members also reported an incursion by a quad bike and a trials bike onto the park during a football match last weekend and members agreed that this Anti Social behaviour be reported to SHDC.
123) Assets Working Party.
To consider the Chair's report and any recommendations therein.
The sale of the Thorney Road site has been completed. A planning application now needs to be submitted and determined within twelve months.
The cemetery planning application is still awaited.
A further deed is now required relating to the attenuation pond and needs to be signed off
before funds for maintenance can be released, we are now two years behind with
payments. The Council is being asked to sign off the deed but then retain it until it has been vetted by our solicitor and the ongoing situation clarified.
Proposed by Cllr Boor seconded by Cllr Elphee and agreed by all.
124) Hanging Baskets.
Members discussed the strategy for 2025 and agreed to keep the scheme within the existing town boundary with no further expansion of the area and the price should increase from £32 to £35.
Proposed by Cllr Turner seconded by Cllr Davis and agreed by all.
125) Fireworks.
Following some chasing the Council has received a booking request and risk assessment from the organisers. The Clerk has contacted our insurers who have confirmed that the organisers cannot rely on the existing Council Public Liability cover but will need their own insurance together with a more comprehensive risk assessment. The Clerk will contact the organisers in view of the short timescale. Members agreed to consider a request for financial support if needed.
Proposed by Cllr Davis seconded by Cllr Elphee and agreed by all.
126) Defibrillator.
to consider a request for a contribution towards facilitating the siting of an additional defibrillator. Cllrs Warner and Levesley had completed a site visit. Members agreed to allocate £100 as a contribution towards a footpath to allow installation. £100 contribution subject to a letter of agreement being received.
Proposed by Cllr Davis seconded by Cllr Williams and agreed by all.
127) Land Rent Review.
A twelve month notice period had been served on the Council to review our land rent, from Somerley Estates. Members agreed that the Council should in turn serve notice on our land tenants.
Proposed by Cllr Davis seconded by Cllr Elphee and agreed by all.
128) VE Day May 2025.
Cllr Williams reported that a working party meeting had been organised and advised that the play group would not be getting involved. There would be an unidentified funding requirement which members agreed to underwrite up to £2,500.
Proposed by Cllr Alcock seconded by Cllr Boor and agreed by all.
129) Remembrance Day
Members will meet in the parish rooms before attending the Cenotaph Service and Church Service. Cllr Alcock requested that members should encourage people to attend the service.
G Searle will check floodlights and our staff will sort the poppy boxes, we will also need to advise affected residents about parking with a leaflet drop.
130) Matters to be considered for inclusion on a future Council Agenda.
Christmas tree lights.
“Closed Session”
The Public & Press were excluded from the meeting in accordance with the provision of Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act 1960). The items to be discussed being of a confidential nature.
No. Action
131) Church Yard
Cllr Alcock reported that he had attended a meeting in the churchyard with County Cllr Pepper as it had been noticed that now the grave plots are being prepared by mechanical digger we were losing up to six plots per row. The churchyard committee will liaise with the PCC and the grave digger to find a solution.
The meeting finished at 9.25 pm.