April 2024 Minutes

Crowland Parish Council

Minutes of Full Parish Council Meeting 

Monday 8 April at 7pm in Crowland Community Hub, Hall Street, Crowland


Cllr. Graham Searle (in the Chair) 

Cllrs., David Kempton, Bryan Alcock, Rodney Sadd, Reg Boot, Katie Pepper, Jon Boor, Michael Atkinson, Jay Levesley & Annette Williams.

In attendance: T Croxford – Clerk (minute taker) and two members of the public.

Absent:     Cllrs. Peter Davis, Darren Warner, Cathi Elphee & David Ringham  

In the Chair: Cllr. Graham Searle thanked everyone for attending. 

216)  Apologies for Absence of the meeting was advised and apologies with valid reasons for absence had been received from Cllrs. Peter Davis, Darren Warner, Cathi Elphee & David Ringham

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: those apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence accepted from Cllrs. P Davis, D Warner, C Elphee & D Ringham. 

217)  Declaration of Interests 

Cllr. G Searle 227) Payment sheet item 558   

218)    To Agree as a Correct Record the Minutes of the Previous Meeting   

It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Chairman sign the official minutes of the Full Council Committee meeting held on 4 March 2024.

Proposed by Cllr. DK - Seconded by Cllr.  BA - all present agreed. 
219)    To receive an update on the progress and resolutions of the previous meeting    

199) The Abbey – concerns were raised regarding the lack of a vicar, GS is in discussions with an Abbey trustee offering support if needed.

208) Gym Trustees report – the trustees are holding a meeting in the next two weeks, and then a report will follow.

209) Solar proposal an interesting meeting was held, Cllr. GS made notes of the meeting that were read out.  CPC will await the community presentation in the summer and more information.

A planning application will be proposed in 2025.

210) police station building – communication between the Hub trustees and owners is taking place – CPC will support if needed. 

213) Bus shelters - to go back to planning for further information.
220)   Chairman’s Report   

A report had been circulated prior to this meeting for review and was briefly discussed.

Thanks & congratulations were given to present long-standing councillors BA, (51 years) MA (48 years) & RB (25 years) for their time and commitment given to the Parish Council as councillors. 

Committees and nomination forms were discussed including responsibilities, it was requested for members to review and advise, which committees they would like to represent for the new elections.
Action: All

221)    Amenities Committee   

A copy of the minutes had been circulated prior to this meeting for review. 

Proposed new community Pavilion, a meeting was had with Sir J Hayes (MP) to discuss the possibility of funding for the proposed new pavilion, the meeting was very positive. Design schemes and different possibilities for funding are being looked into. 

Action: DK

Youth Building – was moved into closed session.

Thanks were received from charities Messy Club, the Hub and after-school activities for the donations of games and equipment given from the parish (removed from the youth building).

An Electrical Contractor is to be contacted regarding the disconnection of the Youth Building at the end of the month. 
Action: TC

222)    Finance and Admin Committee   

A report & minutes had been circulated before this meeting for review.

Finance no. 3 – the review of Standing orders and Finance Regulations is just for information and is being reviewed by the Clerk and DK

The bank signatory needs actioning asap. 

The budget is on target.   

Action: TK

223)    Farms & Gardens Committee   

A report had been circulated before this meeting for review.

Communication was received regarding the toilets at the allotments being left in a bad condition, this was investigated and will be monitored. 

Action: JB

A suggestion was received regarding changing the locks/keys to the allotments as CPC have been informed that other younger residents have a key. It was confirmed that keys were handed back into the office and once the allotment has been confirmed acceptable, then the deposit and key money are returned.  The office confirmed the return of keys is requested and chased but allotment holders have lost keys in the past.  

Congratulations were given to JB and the workers as comments were being received that the Snowden field is looking very good, especially after all the wet weather and the extra use with football games. 

Comments were made regarding the nettles around the play area which are getting high, a new strimmer is needed and will be purchased. 

Action: JB

224)   Planning Committee   

A copy of the minutes had been circulated before this meeting for review.

8 – a bin was unable to be purchased as they were out of stock, when available the price had increased by 50%, more investigation and an alternative bin, to go back to planning. 

Action: AW/TC

6 – Abbey Clock, some service work took place and CPC were informed the clock would need a lot of work, CPC await a report and recommendations. 

14 - more investigations and information is needed to confirm the layout for yellow lines. Before approaching LCC & NP for help with the situation and the potential inconvenience for the Emergency Services in this area. 

Action: AW

15 – a meeting with City Fibre is to be arranged, this is to review the condition of some paths and grass areas that have been left in a bad condition and identify who is responsible at a later date. a new date is to be confirmed. All councillors were requested to report any issues in the area to the office.  
Action: All/TC

225)    Safety & Security Committee   

A report had been circulated before this meeting for review.

Thanks were given to KP for her report and diagrams/maps – very informative. 

Disappointment was expressed regarding the lack of a PCSO or a person whom residents could discuss a crime with, this is very frustrating. A contact number and name are to be requested from the police force. 
Action: KP

226)   Assets Working Party   

A report & minutes had been circulated before this meeting for review.

The old allotment site was discussed regarding the pond and is still ongoing.

The footpath is also being discussed – ongoing 

The extraordinary meeting held on 3 April was discussed and for clarity, members were made aware that were not present at the meeting, that 4 acres of land are to be exchanged for 2 industrial units and it was proposed that Crowland Parish Council approve and delegate the authority to the Asset Working Party to enter into the following agreements, (listed below) on behalf of the council. 

CR007 - Employment Land, Crowland

The Contract documents comprise of:-

1.   Contract for sale
2.   Development Agreement
3.   Transfer
4.   Plan of the proposed Development.
5.   Option Agreement for Additional Land.
6.   Overage Deeds.
7.   Legal Charge

Proposed by Cllr. BA  - Seconded by Cllr. DK – all other councillors present agreed. 
227)   Accounts for Payment   


To note bank balances and investments at 31st March 2024 (latest statements)

Account ending xx338 £372,783.23
Account ending xx461 £4,097.34
Petty Cash £46.76 


It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: 

(a) Orders for payment made in the sums of £25,197.60 in March 2024 be authorised 

(b) incomes received in the amounts of £16,797.06 in March 2024 be noted.

Proposed by Cllr. AW - Seconded by Cllr. JB – all others agreed. 

The payment sheet was discussed and payments of £25,197.60 were authorised, subject to the following updates:
Action: TK

Income sheet

352 – correction - SHDC should be LCC and the correct amount is to be confirmed. 

Payment sheet 

546 – electricity for the pavilion - very high again – to be confirmed and checked, are readings being sent in? 

584 -  hanging baskets – description should be listed under plants and will be a donation by Crowland in Bloom. 

3 no. amounts for LALC were also questioned and more information/clarification was requested. 

It was also proposed the sheet would be easier to view and read if the voucher number were in order. 
Action: TK

228)   Resilient Communities Training    

GS had contacted other communities in the parish and representatives will attend the training from each group and progress a way forward.   RS and RB were nominated as CPC responsible persons. 

Action: RS/RB

229)   Matters to be considered for inclusion on future Council Agenda   

Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 

Informal meeting to see how the council are operating and any suggestions for ways to improve.  

Letter to be sent to the Estate Agent for the help and relocation of the Post Office. 
Action: TC

“Closed Session”
The Public & Press were excluded from the meeting in accordance with the provision of Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act 1960). The items to be discussed being of a confidential nature.

230)   Hire Charges 2024/2025   

Rent increases were discussed and agreed - no further action is needed – completed  
231)   Youth Building    

Information was discussed and an offer for the purchase of the sectional building was accepted –  completed
232)   Parish Room Windows    

Information was discussed and a quotation for the painting was accepted – completed  

Action: TC

233)   Councillor Co-option 

Two valid applications had been received and passed to the HR Committee – ongoing
234)   CCTV   
Information was discussed and further action is needed – ongoing