October 2023 Minutes

Crowland Parish Council

Minutes of Full Parish Council Meeting Monday 3rd October 2023 at 7pm in Crowland Community Hub, Hall Street, Crowland

Present:    Cllr. Graham Searle (in the Chair)

Cllrs. Philip Green, David Kempton, Peter Davis, Bryan Alcock, Rodney Sadd, Reg Boot, Katie Pepper, Jon Boor, Cathi Elphee, Darren Warner, Jay Levesley & Annette Williams. LCC Cllr. Nigel Pepper & District Cllr Jim Astill.

In attendance: T Kingston – Responsible Finance Officer Who recorded the minutes

Absent:    Cllrs. Michael Atkinson & David Ringham

In the Chair:    Cllr. Graham Searle thanked everyone for attending. Cllr Warner arrived at approximately 7.15

96)    Apologies for Absence

The meeting was advised apologies with valid reasons for absence had been received from Cllrs. Michael Atkinson,

David Ringham, T Croxford, Parish Clerk & District Cllr. Angela Harrison.

It was proposed, seconded and resolved that those apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence and accepted from Michael Atkinson, David Ringham, T Croxford, Parish Clerk & District Cllr. Angela Harrison.

97)    Declaration of Interests

Cllrs J Boor & B Alcock wished to declare a pecuniary interest regarding agenda item 115 and advised they would take no part in the debate or vote when that item would be discussed. Cllr. G Searle declared an interest in Crowland Cares and the Car scheme.





To Agree as a Correct Record the Minutes of the Previous Meeting



It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Chairman sign the official minutes of the Full Council Committee meeting held on 4th September 2023.

Proposed by Cllr. DK - Seconded by Cllr. JB – all present agreed.



To receive an update on the progress and resolutions of the previous meeting



67) The proposal of a one-way system for North Street – Cllr NP confirmed that he had sent the request to the County council but the parish council would need to build a case and put it in writing to NP so he could put that forward

81) These actions will be covered in the committee report. It was suggested that good practice is for carried forward actions to be reported in the individual committee reports that go out ahead of the next meeting




Chairman’s Report



A report had been circulated before this meeting for review.

The police have asked for a list of priorities for Crowland and it was agreed to include lack of feedback, slow response, speeding and anti-social behaviour in the Council’s response. Councillors were requested to advise any other points they wish to raise by email by the end of the week.

It was noted that Crowland doesn’t currently have a community police officer.

JB raised a correction – the report states 2 speeding cameras but the council only purchased one. PG is currently looking at a replacement









Amenities Committee



A report had been circulated prior to this meeting for review.

The Amenities committee met but was not quorate so there are notes only and no commitments or decisions made.

Pavilion and MUGA. A questionnaire is being developed that will be available online and as a hard copy to identify areas of demand for aspects of the new Pavilion and MUGA. This will be a simple  tick box (agree/disagree). JA will have a draft available in the next couple of weeks. GS thanked JA for his help with this.

CTFC,Councilors were advised it has not been possible to meet with the senior footballers yet but agreed that it would be useful to gain their views.      Regarding the gates it was noted that the compound has been cleared and the posts are in. A further update will be provided on progress. Youth building – still waiting for response from the solicitors for the occupation agreement.

Parish council is still waiting for the practice manager to confirm what they would like to use the facilities for

There has been a long-term booking from CADS and interest shown from the Rock School Bus in establishing a local group. The parish council will consider a request to support the new group if they can write advising what they are looking for. As bookings increase and with potential usage by the NHS the parish council will look at flexible ways to meet demand and accommodate all groups.












MUGA – advice against siting this on the tennis courts has been received in light of future shrinkage













where the trees have been cut which will make it difficult to maintain a level surface. The Amenities

committee will consider alternative use for this area. The parish council is also mindful of siting the

MUGA in close proximity to houses when there is a potential of noise or light from evening usage.

Leisure and wellbeing centre reported flooding after the recent storms. Whilst there was no damage

water had ingressed in several places. LCC sent a surveyor who produced a list of recommendations

for the LCC, including water coming in through a couple of doors, several windows, the flat roof and

the rainwater drain in the plant room. These are not the responsibility of the Parish Council and it is

understood that the school has given permission for a roof survey.

Outdoor gym. Quotes for three pieces of equipment were received and agreed previously but since

then a price increase of £500 has been negotiated to enable the purchase of a fourth piece of

equipment. DK recommended going ahead with the order for four pieces of equipment and the

additional spend.  Proposed by Cllr. BA - Seconded by Cllr. PD – all present agreed


A discussion was held about the surface underneath the equipment but it wasn’t felt necessary to


incur additional expense at this time. If it is felt later on that matting is required, it was confirmed that


this would also be funded from 106 money in the same way the equipment had been.


Repairs to the playground have been done and sand will be put under the swing in the adventure




Parish room windows, Quotes are being obtained for the parish room windows and it was noted that


permission would be sought early in the process from the conservation officer so there is no risk of


enforcement action being taken if PVC windows are the preferred option.


Pavilion car park, A large puddle forms in Pavilion car park after heavy rain and there was


uncertainty about where the outlets for the drains were. An inspection has been carried out. All


drains need to be cleared of silt and mud. The inspection of the foul drain identified that the drain


had dropped. Once the report has been received then the investigation work required will be


specified and quotes obtained.

Work to clear the silt from the drain and identify the outlet is already in hand

Funding, Councillors discussed the importance of identifying funding opportunities and people who

can assist in obtaining the funding as there is levelling up money available and people who are able

to advise on fundraising.


Finance and Admin Committee



A report had been circulated prior to this meeting for review.

Bank mandates are being reviewed and additional signatories set up

A new internal auditor needs to be appointed as an interim audit is due. This service can be

provided by LALC if a suitable auditor cannot be identified.





Farms & Gardens Committee



A copy of the minutes had been circulated prior to this meeting for review.








Grass cutting has eased off. It was noted that a good job had been done on the bypass and

strimming round the posts.

One of the workers passed their spray test and councilors passed on their congratulations and

thanked JB for making this happen.

A trial of a weed rake for the pond has proved very effective and JB proposed the purchase of one at

a cost of £150 as it is needed as a matter of urgency to meet maintenance obligations.

Proposed by Cllr. JB - Seconded by Cllr. CE – all present agreed.


Litter, A response has been sent to a parishioner who complained about litter.


New cemetery is awaiting info from the consultant after which costings can be produced in readiness


for the next meeting.


Gravel causeway.Still waiting for confirmation of who is responsible for the trees on the West side


gravel causeway.


The application process has begun for the stopping off at the other end of the chase.


Allotments small amount of pilfering has been noted at the allotments.


Cllr Pepper confirmed that the trees at the side of the wash had been cut by the LCC historically and


acknowledged this was some time ago. An email will be sent to Cllr Pepper who can then pursue


It was noted how good the Snowden Field looks, particularly in light of there being lots of usage

recently. Credit was given to JB and his team.


Planning Committee



A copy of the minutes had been circulated prior to this meeting for review.

Abbey clock – three quotes are needed once a specification has been agreed with a specialist. Hanging baskets will be taken down in the coming weeks. New baskets will be needed before next year and there is money set aside in the budget to cover this. Suppliers are being investigated and a proposal will be taken to the next planning committee.







Safety & Security Committee



A report had been circulated before this meeting for review.

A link for a police site to get crime numbers from has been found.




Fly tipping at the end of the chase is being reported.

The reenactment weekend went very well with only two minor issues reported.

It was noted that litter bins need to be looked at over the weekend for future events.

Anti-social behavior has resulted in a warning being issued.

The commissioner’s assistant has asked the council to nominate a representative. PD agreed to be the representative.

Feedback from the police is not given to the parish council for non-parish council related incidents. CCTV in town is monitored and the police control room has a priority-based procedure for dealing with anti-social behavior.







Assets Working Party



A report had been circulated before this meeting for review.

A meeting was held with members and the solicitor but work on all projects is moving slowly. The deed of release is waiting on a condition linked to the agreement.

The land registry will be chased to request that the application is expedited






Accounts for Payment




The payment sheet was discussed and payments of £26,067.37 were authorised.

Proposed by Cllr. DK - Seconded by Cllr. PG – all in attendance agreed.



Community Awards



This item has been carried forward to the next meeting.

A letter has been drafted and will be submitted to parish councillors prior to the next meeting



Remembrance Day



Plans for the events on the 11th and 12th November were discussed in detail. There will be a gathering on 11th November led by Cllr. RB

E Crust will lead the event at the war memorial at 3pm on 12th November and will be provided with a copy of the order of service

Both events will be included in the magazine

It was noted what a remarkable community project the poppy drape has been



80th anniversary of D-Day June 2024.



To be added to the next agenda.



Speeding around Town



To be added to the next agenda.



Road Naming



This has been completed



Town Map



To be discussed at the next planning meeting



Matters to be considered for inclusion on future Council Agenda



Community Awards

80th Anniversary of D-Day – June 2024 Speeding around town


A separate meeting will be arranged to discuss ideas on funding projects






“Closed Session”

The Public & Press were excluded from the meeting in accordance with the provision of Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act 1960). The items to be discussed being of a confidential nature.


Land and Allotment review



Meeting with Land Agent was discussed. Cllr. BA and Cllr. JB did not take part in any discussions. No further action is needed – Resolved


Tree works to be raised at the next Farms & Gardens meeting.



Request for Donation for the Flower Festival



Discussed at the last meeting – no further action is needed - Resolved



HR Issues



Advice from LALC has been sought on HR issues. This was discussed and agreed. No further action is needed - Resolved

The RFO position was discussed and agreed. No further action is needed – Resolved